Sylvanian Families & Calico Critters

Cream” Cats



“Ivory” Dogs

Alcuni rari cani e gatti della serie “Urban Life” del 1987, dalla linea giapponese Epoch Sylvanian Families:

( 1987 Epoch Co. Ltd. Sylvanian Families Japanese catalogue. )

(2011/2016) Tutti i diritti riservati. All rights reserved. is neither affiliated with Sylvanian Families trademark of  Epoch Co. Ltd, nor with Flair Plc, nor with Calico Critters trademark of International Playthings Llc, nor with L’Orsomago, nor with any other distributor.

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( 1987 Epoch Co. Ltd. Sylvanian Families Japanese catalogue. )

JP Urban Life Sylvanian Families

Brown” Dogs



“Maroon” Dogs



( 1988 Epoch Co. Ltd. Sylvanian Families Japanese catalogue. )

( 1988 Epoch Co. Ltd. Sylvanian Families Japanese catalogue. )

( 1987 Epoch Co. Ltd. Sylvanian Families Japanese catalogue. )

( 1987 Epoch Co. Ltd. Sylvanian Families Japanese catalogue. )

( 1987 Epoch Co. Ltd. Sylvanian Families Japanese catalogue. )

( 1987 Epoch Co. Ltd. Sylvanian Families Japanese catalogue. )

( 1987 Epoch Co. Ltd. Sylvanian Families Japanese catalogue. )

Grey” Cats



( 1988 Epoch Co. Ltd. Sylvanian Families Japanese catalogue. )

Sopra la seconda versione dei Gatti Grigi UL Grey Cats, con le chiusure sui vestiti di velcro anziché con automatici.

Sotto le foto sul retro della scatola.

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